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Spanish & English Y si te dijeran que todo lo que crees saber es mentira? La verdad sobre el sistema que sostienes y a la vez te esclaviza. Deja de pagar mucho dinero a falsos gurus que se aprovechan de tu curiosidad y al mismo tiempo te mantienen ignorante con sus medias verdades. Aqui encontraras informacion real basada en la experiencia y util para sobrevivir en un mundo disenado perder. Cada tema abordado estara explicado y argumentado para que sepas lo que esta ocurriendo realmente y que posibles soluciones tienes. What if they told you that everything you think you know is a lie? The truth about the system that you support and at the same time enslave you. Stop paying a lot of money to fake gurus who take advantage of your curiosity and at the same time keep you ignorant with their half truths. Here you will find real information based on experience and useful to survive in a world designed to lose. Each topic addressed will be explained and argued so that you know what is really happening and what possible solutions you have.